# Drone System Overview

Image below is a overview of the whole system of i800-5G drone. drone system overview

Mission Computer

Connected to Internet via 5G CPE, this component is mainly responsible for: control flight mission of the drone via cloud (with MQTT protocol), taking pictures and upload to cloud via FTP protocol, use OBS software to video streaming and push streaming to user defined platforms.

Flight Controller (RST Phenix Mini)

Can communicate with QGC through image trasmitter. Taking order directly from mission computer, is responsible for controlling drone motors.

Digital Image Trasmitter

Responsible for trasmit video from on board camera to QGC in real time and controlling on board camera.

On Board Camera

The function of camera has 3 parts:

  • trasmit video to QGC in real time, allow GQC to control camera
  • taking order from mission computer to taking/uploading images to cloud via FTP protocol
  • allow OBS software in mission computer to video streaming to user defined platforms


Cloud is consist of 2 parts: MQTT server and FTP server. Real time informations are sent to MQTT server, MQTT server can controll drone by communicating with mission computer. FTP server stores images sent from drone.